Desford Neighbourhood Plan
More information can be seen on the Neighbourhood Plan website
Latest Update - February 2021
The following documents were submitted to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council for the final consultation under Regulation 15.
November 2019 - SEA modifications
A further document showing the modifications to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is below.
Any comments should be made to the Clerk at the Parish Council office or by email on or before 23rd November 2019
SEA Mitigation Table (Word Document, 17 Kb)
An update of the SEA
Desford Parish Council has through the agency of AECOM Ltd carried out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the proposed Neighbourhood Plan. Copies of the plan proposal and SEA can be inspected at Desford Library during normal opening hours or by following the links below.
Neighbourhood Plan Submission October 2019 (PDF, 5.2 Mb)
Neighbourhood Plan Submission October 2019
NDP SEA Report October 2019 (PDF, 3.8 Mb)
Strategic Environmental Assessment of the proposed Neighbourhood Plan
April 2019 - Supplementary Strategic Site Assessment Consultation
The Parish Council consulted parishioners on its first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan during December and January 2018/2019. The draft included all the sites assessed as possible housing sites in the parish and recommended the allocation of one major site.
Responses to this consultation and discussions with Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council's Planning Department have resulted in the need to assess and consult on 7 further sites. This does not mean that all or any of them will be allocated in the plan. Indeed, any views received in response to this consultation will help the Council to decide which, if any, should go forward.
The sites are:
- Snowdene and land to the rear, Main Street, Botcheston
- Land to the rear of Manor Farm, Main Street, Botcheston
- Land at disused Sewage Works, Lindridge Lane, Desford
- Land adjacent to Lyndale Cattery, Desford
- Hunts Lane extension, Desford
- Land to the South of Desford, to the East of Peckleton Lane
- Land to the South of Desford, extension of above to the West of Peckleton Lane
Full details of the sites can also be seen on the Neighbourhood Plan website.
Hard copies can be inspected at the Library, Mon 2 – 5, Tues 10 – 12, Thurs 10 – 12, 2 – 7, Sat 10 – 1.
The consultation period starts on Friday 12th April and ends on 23rd May 2019. Responses in writing or by email to the Clerk to the Council as above by 23rd May 2019
Supplementary Strategic Site Assessment Consultation maps
Supplementary SSA Consultation Form (Word Document, 25 Kb)
Supplementary SSA Consultation Form
Update - November 2018
Neighbourhood Plan Pre-submission consultation period
The Consultation Period is from 9th November 2018 to 11th January 2019, if you wish to comment on the Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan you can download form below. It includes options to return your completed form by drop-off of a printed copy at Desford Library, by post or email. There will also be an opportunity to complete a form at either of two exhibitions to be held on
- Saturday 17th November, 10am - 3pm, Botcheston Village Hall
- Saturday 24th November, 10am - 3pm, Desford Library
Pre-Submission Comments Form (Word Document, 28 Kb)
Desford Neighbourhood Plan Pre-submission (PDF, 5.1 Mb)
Appendix B Consultation Statement (PDF, 287 Kb)
Appendix C1 Desford Census Profile (PDF, 860 Kb)
Appendix C2 Desford Land Registry PPD 1995 to 2016 (PDF, 205 Kb)
Appendix D1 Desford Housing Needs Report Sept 2017 (PDF, 573 Kb)
Appendix D2 (PDF, 314 Kb)
Appendix D3 (PDF, 2.5 Mb)
Appendix D4 SSA map (PDF, 472 Kb)
Appendix G1 Community Groups (PDF, 509 Kb)
Appendix G2 List of employers (PDF, 284 Kb)
Appendix H1 Desford Parish local heritage assets (PDF, 3.7 Mb)
Update - July 2017
The Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaires are still being analysed and we are awaiting a report. Our next task is to set up Focus Groups. These will look at the following themes and any resident is welcome to join a group. Contact us if you would like to get involved.
- Housing
- Natural & Historic Environment
- Community Facilities, Employment and Transport
Update - May 2017
Congratulations to our Prize Draw winners who all received £25.
- Rupert Pullin - who has donated his prize to Desford in Bloom
- Brenda Ellison
- Paula & Robert Thomas
- Chrissi Grace
Update - March 2017
Thank you to everyone who completed and returned the Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire. The next stage is to analyse the results. The entries for the prize draw will be drawn in the near future.
Our new website is ready...please take a look.
Update - July 2016
Representatives from local businesses, clubs and organisations, schools, land owners and those delivering statutory services in the area were invited to a Stakeholder Meeting on 5th July.
A report from this meeting is below.
RCC Stakeholder Workshop Report (PDF, 1.7 Mb)
Report from the Stakeholder meeting held on July 5th 2016 at Bosworth Academy
Update - May 2016
3 drop-in events were held in May for residents to have their say on what they like and dislike about the parish. A report from these events is below.
Desford Community Engagement Drop in Events Report (PDF, 1.1 Mb)
A report from 3 public consultation events held in May 2016.